Hello! If you've visited this site in the past, you might've noticed things have changed around here! :D
I've been meaning to re-do this site from scratch for a while, and now I feel like I have enough new changes to show for it.

For one, the code was a complete mess, and adding anything to it was always a challenge.
I've tried my best to keep things nice and clean now. Feel free to snoop around and grab any of the code from this site!

I also have been thinking about what this online space means to me. I would like for this to be a place that does not exist just for myself, but rather something that could be of value for someone else as well.

In any case - for now, welcome to my digital cozy place! Make yourself at home, and feel free to look around. Stay a while, won't you?

My name is Ray, but also Annalisa or Anna. I'm a person from Italy with too many passions to count and too much enthusiasm to keep inside. Among all these little passions there is a lot of love for personal blogs and websites - a neighborhood of windows to peek in, each window showcasing something dear to a certain person. This is my little window - like a garden, I curate it, rearrange every page and icon just for the sake of doing so.
I hope you can find something interesting, or fascinating, or pretty - something consistent that you can take home with you - or even just a novel perspective on the internet!
✦News & Updates✦

20/03/2024: site just got a rehaul! :D Happy first day of spring!