document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { // waits until your webpage is fully loaded before running the code inside. It's important because it ensures that all the HTML elements are available for the JavaScript to manipulate. var audioPlayer = document.getElementById('audioPlayer'); // assigns variables to elements in html var playlist = document.getElementById('playlist'); var links = playlist.getElementsByTagName('a'); // all 'a' tags (links) inside the playlist // Function to play a song. gets called each time you click a song link. function playSong(link) { var songUrl = link.getAttribute('href'); // It takes the URL (href attribute) from the link audioPlayer.src = songUrl; //and sets it as the source ('src') for the audio player; //then starts playing it. } // Play next song when the current one ends audioPlayer.addEventListener('ended', function() { // 'ended' event listens for when a song ends. When the song finishes, it automatically plays the next song in the playlist var active = document.querySelector('#playlist .active'); //finds current active song var next = active.nextElementSibling; //finds next song in the list if (next) { playSong(next.getElementsByTagName('a')[0]); active.classList.remove('active'); next.classList.add('active'); //updates the 'active' class so you can visually see which song is active } }); // Change song on link click // adds a click event listener to each song link in your playlist for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { var link = links[i]; link.addEventListener('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); // Prevent default link action aka opening it in another window var current = document.querySelector('#playlist .active'); if (current) { current.classList.remove('active'); // When a song link is clicked, this code first removes the 'active' class from the currently playing song } this.parentNode.classList.add('active'); // then it sets the clicked song as the new active one. playSong(this); // then it plays the clicked song. }); } });